so sleep alone tonight
Hello there, I'm a 14-year-old lame joker.I like being RETARDED so dunt ever balme me.:D I am very friendly de, so i dunt bite.:D I've figured that I already lost my sanity a long time ago. And so, you better not provoke me ah. I'm a CLEMENTEEN stuying in 2A1!!:D And also a CT NETBALLER!^^ |
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This blog was opened by vanes victor Tay:D to accomodate her mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
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Hmmm.. I'm really confused. I dunt really know what I can do. Its like what's going through my mind, everything's everywhere, complicated and messy, like those bubbles floating everywhere. There are far too MANY things for me to worry bout. I want to get into the school team for netball. I REALLY WANT IT. But i just feel that I'm not doing enough. Whats more, ENOUGH ISN'T ENOUGH. I have to do MUCH MUCH MORE. Actually I'm not really sure if I'm pushing myself too hard. But I just kinda feel that I SUCK at it like in a crucial time like NOW. Seriously, if it was that EASY, THINGS WOULDN'T HAVE ENDED UP LIKE THIS. Not just this, I'll be taking triple science next year. I'm happy to know bout this, but I'm not quite sure if i can really cope with it. TROUBLES HERE AND THERE. GRRRRRRRRRR. POKE THOSE BUBBLES LAH.
listen carefully
Then please just shut up, I'm begging you. SERIOUSLY, JUST FUCK OFF. I dunt really want to care now, that I'm using any vulgarities or anything. My mind's really confused. I dunt know how i feel exactly. But I know i ard have enough of this SHIT. I dunt see whats so nice bout lying. ITS REALLY DIFFICULT TO FORGET THIS. Then thing is its not just once. You did it again and i believed you. Then now it is all the painful truth. Those days, IF I CAN JUST ERASE THEM. I asked myself why I TRUSTED YOU. I really wonder why. Now I dunt want to know. I'M NOT INTERESTED. But those lies that you told me, made me HATE YOU. NOW, JUST FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UP. exam suck
I guess i wunt be playing this for long. As in now is exam period.. GRRR. It means it is mugging time!! That suck to the max can!? Like what kind of thing is that lah! I guess I'll really miss playing netball. Now that i sprained my ankle, I guess things got worst. HAIYOOOOOOOOOOOO. My eyes and ears are starting to bleed. Profusely to be exact, with chey. We're going to raise our pai ka leg, and shout: "BAIK". wow. It has been a really long time. Thats for today. BYE:D idk.
CAUSE I DUN WANNA HEAR A THING. in the rain no one can see me cry having the thunder no one can hear me scream. MAYBE THATS WHAT I WANT. I'M CONFUSED RIGHT NOW. AND I REALLY AM. some things just cant be explain right. I KNOW THAT. CAUSE THATS HOW I FEEL CURRENTLY. the things i see, the things i hear, got same got different. HAIYO. DUNNOE HOW SIA. MR STRONG IS FICKLE MINDED. I told zen I'd write it as my status, BUT, DUE TO SOME THINGS, I CANT DO IT. actually i dunt really know lah. anyways, ITS JUST THIS FEELING YOU GET.
long long ago
The failed attempts of jumpshots!:D went out wif wanting, van and bella. YES, VANES. Chey and i changed names:D In some way lah. HAHAHAHAHAHA:D we went to watch INCEPTION. IT WAS FREAKING AWSOME.(: but i didnt get the last part. LOL. thats retarded. HAHA. then we spent the rest of the day there, doing RETARDED STUFFS. Chey said i was anti climax. WHEN I LOST MY PHONE. but i found it. HAHAHA. It fell onto the grass patch, when me and wanting ran.:D HAHAHA. careless me.:D That was what we did in lit today(: TAKE PICTURES. ALOT RETARDED ONE LAH. but they're all so damn cool.:D I simply love them.:D ALL THE DIFFERENT ANGELS. :D!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. I love the one where I looked BIG:D it was wif daniel.:D he said upshorts.:O HAHAHAHA. but i guess it does happens.:P tanned
YES, i know i got tanner.I got tan lines on my back.. though they arent that bad. HAHAHAHAHA. went to sungei buloh today. AND I SAW THIS: HAHAHAHAHAHA. As you can see, it is a sign telling people TO WATCH OUT FOR CROCS!! There were leh!! I saw one though. It was in the reservoir behind the sign. but very far away lah. so counldnt take pic, cant see at all!! but there were many HUGE LIZARDS!! WOOOSHHH.. and down it went."I'm on the way to the slide!!" They love suntanning too.(: oreo monster
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STALKER!!XDI mean belated. HAHAHA. Ytd was Leslie's birthday. And he got himself a.. CRUMPLER BAG. He was boasting it to me lah. The whole time walking with him, he was like "crumpler crumpler crumpler" whatever lah..D: WLAO, HAOLIAN LAH. but i did gained good food:D and i odered THIS: Its kay if you can't tell take a closer look:D THIS, is named.. OREO MONSTER!!:D It was damn oreo-ish.XD damn nice lah. I think it was the best drink.. I EVER HAD. you ppl reading this.. should try it someday!!:D |